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Dancesport Paris

Discover the CDSP Nation association, Dancesport Club in Paris Nation . The goal of this association is to develop high-level sports dance competitors.

Dance Sport : CDSP Nation

To ensure the progression of all our competitors, we have created a system that consists of several sessions and courses per week. This allows them to enrich themselves with information and practice while ensuring an emulation that motivates them constantly. Find the list of events below :

Group lessons at school :

  • Tuesdays from 10 p.m. to 11 p.m., alternating a Latin week and a standard week with our teacher Rabih

  • Two Sundays per month from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. with a club coach who varies each time. The dates of these courses are communicated in advance to our competitive group.

Private lessons:

  • The main preparation remains private lessons, in which competitors work on their personal weak points and develop their dances and choreographies. In general, couples who do 10 dances take two private lessons per week, 1 Latin / 1 standard. And those who follow a specific program take only one lesson per week.

Training :

  • The association provides large rooms for practicing, mostly in the evening. Otherwise, during the day, the club's competitors can come to the school to rehearse. Other partner associations also offer rooms in order to have a training space every evening of the week. Contact us to know the program in detail.


  • Every Monday and Friday we have intensive training sessions, where we simulate a competition with semi-finals and finals. In order to prepare for official competitions and boost your physical performance. These sessions are done in a large gym with several couples to create emulation.

Competition :

  • There are two to three competitions almost every month in France except during the summer period.

  • The club's coaches support the student in choosing the look, coaching at the edge of the track, return and planning after the competitions.

  • The club is affiliated with the French dance federation, so competitors must take out a federal license to participate in national/international competitions.

  • The price of private lessons differs from one teacher to another, contact us for more information.

  • Our club has been around for over 30 years and has many French champions among its coaches and competitors.

CDSP Nation coaches

In order of photos: Séverine Asnar-Mourad, Rabih Mourad, Steeve Gaudet, Marioara Cheptene, Bruno Petit, Camélia Motataianu, Julien Poli and Laure Colmard. They all represented the Nation club as dancers and/or coaches. e have had a brilliant national or international career. From vice-champions of France to world champion, these 8 coaches are also judges (regional, national and international) for the most part.



They offer their services through private lessons and bi-monthly courses. They form a close-knit and organized team to closely monitor their competitive students throughout the year.

Annual events

The back-to-school internship:

is the course offered to any competitor wishing to get off on the right foot after a summer rest period. This one-day sports dance course includes:

physical preparation (competition simulation), group lessons and private lessons.

It usually takes place on the first Sunday in October at the Paul Valery gymnasium, Paris 12th. There is also a workshop on hairdressing, make-up, nutrition and psychology specific to the competition .

The Paris competition:

of the CDSP, at the legendary Japy gymnasium, Paris 11th is the only sports dance competition approved by the French Dance Federation to take place in Paris, an opportunity for our dancers! An annual event since 2019, the competition evening, very popular with the public, includes the final stages of the competition, interspersed with high-quality professional shows and dance intervals for the spectators.

Paris training

is the training course that is offered the day after the Paris competition. Most of the judges who officiate during the competition provide group lessons and private lessons during the training, alongside the CDSP club coaches, also present as well as a foreign teacher of international renown, invited for the event. This training course oriented towards competitors is also open to recreational couples of an experienced level. Solo dances and LGBT couples are also welcome at this studious and friendly event.

CDSP Nation Competitors

The dancers below are active competitors of the CDSP nation, representing our club in France and internationally. Whether they are in mixed couples, same-sex or solo dance, they all follow intensive training in order to remain technically, physically and artistically efficient.

Contact us if
you have questions

You can contact us via the contact form. If you have any questions about our operation, our courses or our prices.

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